Monday, November 12, 2007


There is a silence now, beyond the fields

behind the boundary of firs

where the river shudders & smoothes

passed over by herons, troubled by fish

I thought I called your name

with each hard breath

I thought your steps, though you stumbled

would bring you home at last

The woods fill with shadows.

In town I can’t see the stars.

Is there something here still

something forgotten

what bright thing guides us

here where the world keeps ending

Got a report back from the recent WS Merwin (and Robert Haas) reading down south a bit; seems Merwin was asked to limit his reading to poems about land and such. I ask you. My informant said he seemed annoyed, but read with full intensity, particularly the latest poems. I am envious; would have loved to have been there.


At November 25, 2007 1:35 PM , Blogger Meadow said...

Beautiful poem.

At January 18, 2008 3:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another I like. And you like Merwin... Do you like old Merwin, middle Merwin, or recent Merwin best?

Years ago I saw him read at The First Baptist Church (Roger Williams' church) in Providence, R. I. He looked rather like a faun, I thought.

At January 18, 2008 4:23 PM , Blogger jarvenpa said...

Yeah, I like Merwin. early, middle, and late. It has been fascinating to watch him change and try entirely new things. I am probably most partial to the period in the 70's, but he stuns me now and then now as well.
And I just had a dream about him, in which we were engaged in a cozy chat and I was asking him about some of his current and early poems.
And then...I noticed all his beautiful pale yellow, floral, Empire waist dresses.
And I said "but Bill, how odd that you can wear this color so well".
And then I asked him about how one says "tantaras" correctly; where is the accent?
We also, as I recall, shared stories of our loves.
I do like it when I have dreams about my favorite poets.

At June 22, 2008 9:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fauns like pale yellow, I believe.

Time for more poems?

At June 23, 2008 7:12 PM , Blogger jarvenpa said...

He is very much a faun, isn't he? I have put a new poem up today (not a new poem for me, but for here). And I am enjoying your poetry, but I should go visit you and tell you that at your site!


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