I Return Your Secret Names
It is still raining here at the western borders
drop on drop pelting the circled waters
The coltsfoot’s sweet spires flare out
beside the crossroads. Once, remember
we cut wood together here, rain sluicing
our naked faces. You were perhaps innocent
as your children. I was no more innocent
than the snake gladly in spring weather
spreading my body over the warm stones
luxurious & now & then shaken
by the seductive poisons of this world. And now
it is the time of marriage, your second wedding.
Your bride is lovely as a fig tree, a blond country.
You ask me for the angles of cold stars
You hope for stellar certainty, a silver
future, you who once crossed
this body of earth with gold, & do you
remember that savaged landscape?
I return your secret names, my life
written under your eyelids, my taste
of fir sap & young bitter ferns
erasing itself gently & forever
Labels: poetry
Oh, I missed one somehow--I like this vision and version of "you." The snake spreading itself, the poisons, the natural sap and wild bitterness.
Wonderful stuff here, J.
thanks, jan and marly.
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