Love-in-a-mist, and a poem

You thought my mouth your remedy.
Well, the world survives even kisses
& tears & comes again to its own
birthday in a blur of white
The hyacinths are open, those sugared
flowers, star pillared
& temporary & the crocuses
licked with flames. Oh yes, I was shaken.
But it’s worth it, living
to watch these hills again
with my clear eyes, to see
the once-mated birds come back
all along the branches
I thought it was death, the dark
wood, but look: everywhere
These spinning Catherine wheels
this sexual present, petal
& stamen, unwrapped so perfectly
(yes, the flowers, although they are very much Catherine wheels, and are named the devil-in-hiding as well, are far from being the poem's hyacinths. But we take botanic license in my region. The photo is by my daughter, at the edge of the parking lot garden.)
And somehow I can't help but think of Lawrence's torch flowers, his sensual abundance embodied in flowers...
I'm enjoying seeing more of these.
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